Dr Karen Soffe
Dr Karen Soffe has been working in general practice in The Ashe Street Clinic in Tralee Co Kerry, for over 20 years. She is a British Menopause Society accredited Advanced Menopause Specialist and Trainer, a member of the International Menopause Society and ICGP.
She is a Medical Officer in the new Complex Menopause Service at Cork University Maternity Hospital.
Karen is passionate about educating existing and trainee GP’s and empowering them to provide high quality mid-life care to their patients. To this end she has provided in person and online talks and webinars for medical colleagues and trainees.
As part of her role as the GP lead in her community network, she is collaborating with the HSE in Cork and Kerry to develop health promotion programs regarding women’s mid-life health particularly in vulnerable populations.
A Tale of Twos- with a focus on Premature ovarian insufficiency.
Soffe K, Williams C, Briggs P. Tales from the clinic. Post Reproductive Health. 2021;27(4):232-234.
Challenges faced by women with learning disabilities, when they reach the menopause transition
P Briggs. M Barsoum K Soffe
June 2023 Post Reproductive Health 29(2):113-118
Novel method of breaking down barriers in the provision of menopause care in Ireland. Kennedy B, Lundy D, Mackey R, Hartley C, Soffe K. Post Reprod Health. 2023 Sep;29(3)143-147