Dr Brenda Moran
Dr. Brenda Moran is an accredited Menopause Specialist and a Portfolio GP with a Special Interest in Women's Health & Sexual Health and a UCC graduate of 2006. She obtained her menopause training in Kings College Hospital, London, after completing the Diploma of the Faculty of Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare (UK).
She established her own community based weekly clinic based in Mallow Primary Healthcare Centre in 2020 to cater for all aspects of peri/menopause, and became the Joint Clinical Lead for the CUMH Complex Menopause Clinic in 2023. She is a BMS Trainer and also contributes to menopause education and training for the ICGP. She is a contributor to the NWIHP & IOG National Clinical Guideline on the diagnosis and management of menopause in secondary care and has also contributed to menopause related articles in Hospital Doctor of Ireland.
Her aspiration is for all women to flourish throughout their reproductive and life transitions.
Outside of work, she enjoys running, film, theatre, music, and spending time in the Outdoors.
She is a member of the ICGP, BMS, FSRH, IMS, ESC